Friday, April 3, 2009

Not one but TWO

Oh I feel LOVED! Not just loved but LOVED. My blog has not one, but TWO followers. I now have concrete proof that there are TWO people out in cyberspace who actually WANT to read what I write. Even better, I know them and they aren't anonymous blog followers who just happened to find me when they had nothing better to do. So a big cheery hello to Angela (you were my first follower!) and Aunty Maria.

Thanks to everyone who has sent lovely emails since I started my mutterings. I'm glad my ramblings have given you a laugh, enabled you to see updated pics of the munchkins and pass the time. I haven't replied to many of these emails yet, sorry, but they've brought a smile to my face....and this week, I've been a bit short on smiles.

I've been a really grumpy bear this week. I think getting up at least once, if not more than once, between the hours of 11pm and 5am is not a good start. Earlier in the week it was Georgia doing the night owl wandering, the last few nights it was Ethan. Thank God there are only two of them.

Ethan is just about over his cough/cold, Georgia's snuffle is now a cold that we are hoping like crazy doesn't become a sinus infection and Luke had a day off this week to visit the Doctor for some steroids to help his hacking cough. Too little sleep, too many cough/cold germs flying around and just too much to do and too little time to do it in.

Tonight Luke started his annual leave until.....wait for it......5 May. A fully fledged nice long break for him. Hooray!! Georgia's first question to him was could he please take her to school on Monday (read here.....any alternative to my Mum who doesn't let me play on the playground AFTER the bell has rung is good) so he'll be pressed into 'housewife' service by her quick smart. And that is before he sees the to do list I've got for him :)

We fly out to the land of the long white cloud on Thursday morning. Tomorrow will be the day where Thursday appears on weather forecasts and we'll be able to see how bitterly cold it will be. Can't wait for that!

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