Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pictures from the photo shoot

As someone who loves reading blogs, I should be more diligent in updating my own. But I've learned in the last 6-1/2 years, should is a word that I should not use.

So here I am after another 4 week blog absence. Can I blame Ethan for that? His waking up at 4.22am, 4.34am and other pre-5am times doesn't impress me at all. But it means I HAVE to get to bed at a sensible hour, when I'd rather be blogging, so I am at least semi-conscious when he starts unpacking our pantry to find cereal of a morning. Would that be cereal to eat? Not likely. Cereal to spread over the kitchen floor. But more about that and his other culinary explorations at another time.

The munchkins were put through their paces at a photo shoot in November. The plan was to have photos ready for a Christmas card. That probably isn't going to happen despite me wrestling with card software tonight for approaching 2 hours. Grrr. Anyway, here's the link to the album of pics that the photographer managed to snap:


It was hot, Ethan doesn't stay still for anything or anybody, Georgia wasn't impressed by the whole set up but at least she was partially co-operative for some of the time. Really it is quite remarkable that there ended up being any useful images at all.

Peek and enjoy!

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