Friday, December 18, 2009

MEGA box unwrapping

There are some people in life that you are Blessed to know. And not only know but to call friends. The fact that they live on the East Coast of the USA and we are in Australia doesn't stop the friendship.....emails, photo calls, photos posted on Facebook for them to see AND them flying all the way here in 2007 to spend a MARVELLOUS few weeks with us means that the distance doesn't seem so far.

Ok, it does seem FAR. I'd love them to be able to sit here with us and watch our children gleely unwrapping the gifts they've thoughtfully chosen, lovingly wrapped and sent all this way. But since the Pacific Ocean, and most of the continental USA is between us and them, here are the pics I take for them so they can see, blow by blow, our children loving their Christmas presents from 'Birginia Beach'.

We love you Anne and Al! May 2010 be the year we can hug you both - in person.

See the pics at:

1 comment:

  1. WooOOOoo. Nice new blog layout...see, I notice these things! Hope you're enjoying the hols, I'm loving the lack of routine but could do without the constant "So Mummy, what are going to do today?"! Have a great Xmas if we don't see you before.
    PS Wish we had OS friends like Anne and Al. What fun!
