Sunday, October 4, 2009

Three months without mutterings?

I am sooooooooo sorry dear blog readers for THREE + months without mutterings. What is the world coming to? I deeply and profusely apologise and would love to vow that it will never happen again. But who knows what the rollercoaster of life holds so instead I'll say that I'll TRY and ensure it doesn't happen again. Hope that means all is forgiven?

So what has been happening in our world since June? Wow that seems sooooooooo long ago.

There was supposed to be a small period recovery after Georgia's party but that didn't happen as tickets decided to get busy. Not just busy but busy, busy, busy, busy. Thankfully it was just for a week or two but it was enough to hit my immunity for sixteen.

At the same time as Georgia's party recovery + busy with tickets + being in full swing with fundraising for Georgia's school Fair + it was winter and all sorts of bugs/colds/viruses were lurking around.....and I got sick. Not just the little cough/cold/sinus infection type of thing BUT I had infected just about everything. Pick a point above my navel and whatever body part you choose, it had something wrong with it.

I think the list ended up being something like chest infection, throat infection, double ear infection, sinus infection/s (why have just one when you can clear up one and get another??), conjunctivis and I'm sure there was more but the list seems mighty long enough so I'll leave it at that.

My ears were so painful that when I was on course three of anti-biotics, I went to my Doctor and asked her to perforate my ear drum so I could equalise my ears, stop the pain, smell and taste. She told me to wait a week, gave me stronger meds, some acupuncture, I went and had a massage, lots of steam inhalation (hate inhalations with a passion!) and POP, a few days later my ears started to clear. Note for future reference, acupuncture into the area of clogged sinuses doesn't tickle BUT I'm sure it helped the healing process.

August was lost in a blur of trying to get better and finalising the silent auction for the Oakleigh State School Fair.

September 5 was Fair Day and after it rained up until 7.50am, it cleared into a magnificently sunny day. The silent auction and art union that I co-convened made $22 500 profit of the $60 000 Fair profits. As the profit from the Fair, in total, last year was only about $30 000, to see it double this year left a lot of smiling faces at Oakleigh. A big thank you to my support team who helped me out so I could fundraise through May, June, July and August :) You know who you are.

The last two weeks of September have been school holidays. The lack of routine during holidays is lovely. But more on that another night.

In the meantime there is something I have to share so I'll do that now and will get back to mutterings another time.

1 comment:

  1. Ah ha! Doesn't it feel so gooood to get a post up!? Welcome back. And truly a wonderful job re:the silent auction - it wouldn't have happened without you. Well done! LOL re iPhones, y'know there probably actually is an online course somewhere out there...! : )
