Four (4) photos of a bed/bedding. Hmmmm. Get the drift that I love the linen that Luke bought me for Christmas?
I LOVE red, white and blue. I LOVE stars. I LOVE the land of Uncle Sam. I LOVE quilts. So can you imagine linen that could have been any more appropriate for me than this set?
Luke and I were out on our pre-Christmas shopping rampage in December (remember where we did all our Christmas shopping in just a few hours??) and I saw this set in the window of a linen shop. I just stopped in my tracks. As did Luke. And as if I were pulled by some magnetic force, I turned and walked into the shop. I just looked at it and didn't speak. Yes, I know, that in itself is miraculous :)
I could only think 'I don't need more linen BUT it is SOOOOOOOOOOO me!'. So I started to ponder the pros and cons of it - i.e. how could I justify it? And my darling husband could see the cogs in my brain turning and just walked up to the counter and said 'We'll take one of those thanks'. God Bless that man.....particularly when he's shopping for me :)
Was it really necessary to post the fourth and last photo showing the linen from yet another angle? Yes it was. It shows on the wall above our bed are frames with some of the photos of us taken on our 3 month pre-baby around the world trip in 2002. They are from exotic places like Gallipoli, Stonehenge, Florence, Istanbul, Santorini, Rhode Island and Paris. I love those photos, I loved that trip, I love those memories. So had to include the last photo showing those photos.
Next question would be WHY has it taken be until February to post this? The joy of being a Mum and having no time to do important things like blog :)
Happy Days!
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